Friday, 22 February 2013

Afraid of helping your friend?

At one time or the other, a well wisher must have told you to hold back your knowledge and trait secrets lest your friend would get ahead.This seems a sensible advise in the competitive world, when actually it hampers the progress of education. One may (or may not) eventually win the race but at what cost?

At many a times, this competition creates bitterness, enmity between friends. In the race to score the maximum marks we forget our roles as friends.

Let's take a pause and think; do we even know why we receive education? Even care to know what good is going to come by learning algebra, quantum physics, various anatomies. This great urge to not disclose the solution to your friend, what is so good in it at all? The whole process of enjoying education is lost in the twilight of the coming night.

One needs to understand that the whole process of evolution is to create a better world. We have to evolve to bring better scientists along with better managers. Though a scientist is socially more respected. It definitely doesn't mean they are the end all. One has to understand that what a needle can do, can't be done by a sword. Each has it's own place.

Meanwhile getting ahead by not sharing information is the lowliest scheme you can try, to usurp your friend's grades. The other way could be, share knowledge, study; prepare well, hone your skills more along with helping your friend. Sometimes the purpose of one could be to help awaken the dream of another.
The person you help may escalate way ahead but instead of being disheartened, know this truth that your help contributed in bringing out the best in someone which in turn leads to betterment of society! You must know that every action has its equal and opposite reaction. So every good action of yours will have to come back to you cause that is the law! So be good and be patient. You will be rewarded with time!

Nourish the talent within you, if it's gardening, then be proud that it is so! Explore your dreams. One should strive to do better, not by with-holding information but by sharing information and raising up to the challenge that you'll still do better. Know that your fates are sealed, one ends up at the end where one must whether you help your friends or not! But imagine how good it would be if the day you succeed, there is a friend to embrace you; share your happiness with true sincerity! If your friend succeeds then accept that he was better programmed for that as you are better programmed for something else! We all can not be number one at the same time for the same things. When you help your friend and he succeeds; know that you contributed in bringing out a better professional into the world!

The best of engineers build best of technologies; similarly the best of painters paint the best of painting. As these two are incomparable, so are your roles as friends competing! Each one of you has your own roles. Discover the talent within you and make your move. Accepted it's easy said than done; but once you know your true nature and your unique talent, then every day is a breath of fresh air and life becomes a celebration!

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